I ask you to join with me and prayerfully consider a generous gift in support of The Ministries Appeal. Each and every gift is appreciated and needed in the continuation of our mission and vision in the Diocese of Duluth. Please partner with me and continue Making Our Mission Real!
Bishop Daniel J. Felton
Here is the video link that Bishop Felton has put together for the 2024 Ministries Appeal: Click here to view.
The Ministries Appeal focuses on the shared ministries of the Diocese of Duluth that bring our mission and vision to life. Through Education & Family, Evangelization & Outreach, and Vocation & Clergy Support, these ministries embody the Holy Spirit in our communities, bringing people closer to Jesus Christ for healing, hope, and joy. Ultimately, the appeal aims for all to journey through Jesus to heaven and the Kingdom of God.
The gifts you share continue to make our mission real for generations to come.
To donate, click here.